I love Hal Higdon. Especially Mondays. REST DAY. What a great way to start the week! I've been good about my training. Am on my bike a lot and doing my running.
I have gained two kilos over the last week. Here is what the internet says about that. It is because:
a) Muscle weighs more than fat.
b) I am compensating for that extra fat burning by eating more food.
c) My body is afraid it might starve and so it's going into preservation mode.
d) I skip breakfast most days.
e) I have erratic sleeping patterns.
f) I have body clutter issues.
g) I ate pizza the other day and wheat is the enemy.
In short, it is ANNOYING and UNFAIR, period.
But I will not let that stop me. Today is day two of week two of fake marathon training. 3 miles.
So be it.
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