Monday, October 1, 2012

Creating a Business Plan

Sorry for the absence, Dear Reader, but I saw this TED conference and decided that I needed to keep some information for myself until I got going on it.

Basically the idea is that if you have something you want to accomplish, you should keep quiet on it and just do it because the mere act of talking about it gives your brain a feeling of accomplishment, as if you had already achieved your goal. Once you have that feeling you get lazy.

True true. I started thinking back to when I felt REALLY creative and productive. And then I realized it was when I was young(er) and single and had nothing to do but DO things--and no one to tell about it.

Not saying anything leaves you in that terrible state of inner tension until you actually accomplish the goal.

Difference? Talk about it? You don't do it. Shut up about it? You get things done.

Now, I did not see this video yesterday. I saw it many months ago, so I may have even talked about it with you. Anyhow, this is another reason for my silence. I had a lot to think about.

I told you at one point I had a great entrepreneurial idea. Well now I am working on that more. I have changed it a lot since I started thinking about it and am writing a business plan. If you have never done one of these, I highly recommend it. There are few opportunities in your life where you are forced to think about an action you are about to undertake from so many different angles.

In fact, I think couples should be encouraged to write a business plan before taking the plunge. Just think how many divorces would be avoided by having to talk about the advantages, disadvantages, hopes, dreams, growth plan, and numbers, before signing by the x.

I may bring it up to hubby. It's not a bad idea as we go into our tenth year.


  1. Hello Karolne,
    Stumbled upon your blog, I don't know how, maybe it was a Trieste or Barcolana Google search.
    But any way here i am i enjoyed your last two recent blogs , food for thought especially the one not telling people of your ideas as they can fall down, i love keeping my projects a secrete from everyone, makes me more determined to accomplish them.
    Can you help? Do you have any contacts in Trieste that sail and need crew during Barcolana, I've come from Australia , hoping to find a boat on which to experience the regatta. I would also like to sail as much as i can during the week before.
    I have been sailing for 6 yrs and would consider myself intermediate.
    Be great if you could contact me if you have any leads, as i only speak english I'm finding tracking down a crew a little difficult.
    I arrived in Triest today 4 October.
    Kindest Regards
    Michael Roberts

    1. Did I answer this? If not, sorry! Did you find a boat??
