Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't worry about me, I'm just busy changing my life

It happens every time we come back from a good vacation. We decide to change our lives forever. Sweetie decided we should experience our city more. That means going to events around town and taking part in community life. It also means reading the newspaper, since that is where activities are listed.

I decided we needed to create a routine so that the house is always ready for company. As you know from older posts, I am following the program, which is intense, but in a good way. She reminds you to do things you never dreamed people did (cleaning doorknobs and light switches, for example) and I like how tasks are simplified into 15-minute blocks of time. Each week you concentrate on a certain Zone. We are now in zone 4: the Master bedroom, our Disaster site. Since Monday I have done something every day to clean it up and de-clutter and am already seeing a difference. By tomorrow I will have finished the major purging and cleaning and be able to maintain it without too much hassle. 

I never thought it would be possible to create a permanently decent sleeping space, plus I never cared that much, since I knew I could just shut the door and forget about it when people were over. But inside I have always longed to have a nice-looking bedroom with a made bed and a tidy floor and no piles of clean and dirty clothes mixed up in various piles. Sigh! I can't believe how gross I live. It's GOT to stop!

By the way, I feel like HUH DUH!! Why didn't I think of this myself?? I say this every time I learn a new trick to help stay organized. But then I remember that Some of us need a Little Extra Explanation when it comes to these things, while others are just naturally organized (I hate those people, no I don't, I love them, no, I hate them). I guess that is how it works. 

I have been doing other things this week besides transforming myself into an organizational goddess. I have also been waking up at all hours with my nine-month old mini goddess, who is suffering from heat (Trieste is front and center of an interminable heat wave right now and we don't even have a fan!) and jet-lag. 

I have about 30 minutes of autonomy before she wakes up to face her fragmented day. I've got work to do. 


  1. I have been shining my sink for a few weeks now and it feels great.

  2. Marathon partner, now shiny sink partner. I love it!!

  3. I'm also removing as many horizontal surfaces in my house as possible ---- down with the hot-spots.

  4. Oh yes! DOWN WITH HOT SPOTS!! Hey, how is your exercise routine? Can we set some goals or something? I'm porking out over here.

  5. Goals, goals, goals. Let's see....put the laundry away kind of goals or something LOFTIER? We need inspiration. What do you have in mind?
