Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting my day in order

I told you about Fly Lady dot net yesterday. Well, I did step one kept my sink shining and today I got up and got dressed head to toe first thing, which was step two. Even gave my nail polish a touch-up.

Now I have to get ready to go to the dentist to finish up my work from last week and get a cleaning.

Yesterday's finish-up-what's-in-the-house supper was a success. I took the beans, petrified carrots, onion, and taters and threw them in a pot for a couple of hours, then took out enough for dinner, puréed it and threw in some curry and cream (naughty naughty!) and it was awesome. I took another bowl of it and threw it in the freezer for a rainy day and the rest I split up for our lunches today. Today's version looks more like stew. I love making soup, the next day you feel so skinny.

I forgot to do something with that ground beef, though. Will think of something today that can be tomorrow's lunch since we're going out with friends tonight for chinese. There's not much going on in Trieste as far as ethnic food but there is one (of many) Chinese restaurants that is really good. I've already got steammed dumplings on the brain.

This not going to the store all week trick  is not as easy as it sounds. I'm used to stopping at the grocery store to pick up a couple of things as a motivator to take the dog out, because I feel more productive if I'm doing two things at once. Now I am going to have to embrace the walking for walking's sake concept. When you start making a habit of NOT spending money, grocery shopping sometimes masquerades as necessity. It's the one place you can actually justify spending money and, I must admit, spending money does feel good sometimes. Of course what I buy doesn't matter, it's the thrill of buying something. This is a good exercise to get over that.

Which sounds extreme, but what if shopping were just about getting what you needed and NOT about getting some other kind of thrill?

I would certainly be richer if this were the case.

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