Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Expat Triestine Ladies' Money Club has a new guru

So I decided today that it's time to start a women's get rich, let's talk about money group. You know, a little ex-pat Beardstown ladies group... actually I would love to welcome Italian women into the fold, but when I tried some years ago to do something similar, no one was particularly interested. The ex-pats, on the other hand, wait, one IS Italian, Klementina, but she's from the Slovene minority, and also not from Trieste, maybe that's why I didn't count her as Italian. Anyway, She is. Then there's me, Marina, she's from Argentina, and Raquel, she's an Aussie. Well, we are going to throw some ideas around starting, hopefully, next week. Or at least next week we will throw around ideas about making a plan to throw some ideas around about making money.

In the meantime I had a lesson with my student and friend, let's call her Marisa (everybody else does). I was struck today by the fact that 1. she reads two financial newspapers per day-- the Sole 24 ore (ever notice it was pink? or is it orange?) and another one on line, just for currency prices (We buy and sell so much currency so I need to know this stuff.. what???). Then, 2. during our conversation she lets it slip that her son (business partner) is in Verona seeing Aida at the Arena (like the place to see an Opera, people!) as a special guest of Unicredit banca (What?? Banks can invite people to operas??) This is a week after I heard that her latest business venture had her partnering up as a minor partner (but who cares) with Costa Crociera, Generali Group and big shots like that. I mean, how cool is Marisa?? (Answer? Quite.)

All the while I am looking at this Barney Miller office (see photo above). Everything is slightly avocado, the furniture, desks, cabinets, gray medal. Is office frugal cool? It looks almost retro, but it's the real deal. One thing is for sure-- these folks are not buying new stuff merely to get a discount on their taxes. That itself is pretty interesting. 

I would invite Marisa to be in our girl group, but I think she's out of our league. Maybe I could line her up as a guest speaker, though. 

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