Monday, July 11, 2011

You are not a complete idiot

With financial matters, it often seems like some people just know how money works, and others are not meant to know. I always felt I belonged to that second group. I still feel that way sometimes, but learned that the secret to not feeling like an idiot is to just get as much info as possible. I started reading books on personal finance, reading blogs, and reading financial pages (still don't understand much, but hope it's like foreign language, and I have some experience with those, that one day it will all click).

I also realized at some point that the people in my life who are supposed to be the experts (in an amateur sense), don't really have all that much experience investing, running businesses, etc.

I am feeling much more confident than I used to. With the Association, my approach to accounting is to treat it as little like a business as possible when it comes to spending. If I wouldn't do it with my own money, I won't do it with the Association's money. That works for me. Again, it's all about being honest.

That, and I have two very kick-ass volunteers who keep track of the day-to-day numbers stuff. Phyoo.

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