Monday, August 29, 2011

Thinking for the next day

That's my nugget of good living for today. You can really cut down on the good morning panic attacks just by thinking about the day ahead. Here are some things to consider that I have gleened off of the flylady site. I am trying to think about them throughout the day so I am ready for today and tomorrow.

1. Where are your keys? (Since I can't get them surgically attached for a decent price)
2. What's for dinner? (I must go out and get something green! I have not done any real shopping since we got back from our trip. We are eating hurricane food and there was no hurricane around here!)
3. Set your clothes out for tomorrow. (If I wet and flick my new no-iron shirt today, tomorrow it should be ready to make me look like a million euros!)
4. Look at your calendar (It sounds obvious, but sometimes I don't and get into trouble!)

Take that, put it in your bubble gum pipe, and chew it, people. I hope it helps!


  1. I have shined my sink, dressed head to foot, attacked my hot-spot for 15 minutes (made the boys do the same), started prepping for the daily bathroom swish and's all happening!
