Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Just realized I don't know what the hell I'm talking about

I started this blog to force myself into learning more about personal finance, leadership and management. Writing is a way of holding myself accountable. So far I have been getting inspiration from the books I was reading. But, sadly, I finished my last library book yesterday (I lie, I have Jane Eyre on my bedside table, and that could give me something to write about, but not yet) so I had to find some new fodder today. Of course my favorite place to look is in the blogosphere. There were some pretty interesting blogs on personal finance (see my favorites in the side bar under Blogs I love) but I think I O.D.ed a abit. Now I can't think of a thing to write about. Reading about others' journies, instead of helping me, made me feel small and dopey.

But then I remembered that the learning process is like that. You start out not knowing anything, then you realize you don't know anything, then you start learning but you don't realize it, and then at some point BAM, you know something and you know it. Barbara Stanny has a whole chapter on this in Prince Charming isn't Coming.

Well, I'm at the DAMN-I-DON'T-KNOW-ANYTHING stage, ready for a Crisis. This happens to my students all the time. I reassure them. It's all part of the learning process and it's cyclical. Just when you start to realize you know something, it all starts over again. Only the crisis doesn't last as long the second time around.

But it stinks being an adult because we are no longer used to going outside the comfort zone. We hate feeling stupid, we don't want to make mistakes in front of other people. But I guess we have to if we want to go to the next level.

So be it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll girl!

    I know the feeling. The area of personal finance is so vast, it's like an ocean! Sometimes I feel like I have no idea what I"m talking about too.

    I think if you add more personal to personal finance, people like to read about that too.
