Monday, September 19, 2011

Has he changed his mind about us?

We have been in talks for quite a while to buy an apartment "a nuda proprietà" which means that the seller can stay in the house until he/she (gulp) dies. This can be a good deal for both parties in that the seller gets a chunk of money to pay for, say, home nurses, eating out more, whatever, and the buyer gets a discount on the price of the house, which is linked to the life expectancy of the seller.

We made our offer in, I think, June. The seller verbally accepted. At the time he seemed to be in a hurry, while we weren't (we were hoping to get our account a little fatter before writing that BIG downpayment check). At any rate, his ONLY job was to make an appointment with the notaio (they don't use lawyers for these things here, but legal notaries, and they cost like lawyers. Ouch!). Well. Fast forward to September. No appointment. Every week we talk and it's like "yes yes, this week, I will make the appointment". So we decided to get an estimate from the different notaios. Those guys like to make you wait too. But the estimates are coming in and, in the meantime, no appointment.

It is this reluctance to ACT that is making me think he changed his mind. And if he did it's no big deal. It's just annoying that he hasn't said anything.

But his (in)action speaks pretty loud.

So I am already making new investments in my head. Rather than waiting for him to break up with us, I am already looking for new ideas, new places. I am also thinking about how nice it is to have some money in the bank account. Not a bad idea to let it grow, even if it's not really generating any kind of wealth. It's a nice safety net.

So now we will see what happens. Will he make the appointment and clean out our account? Will he tell us he changed his mind? Will he sit and do nothing until we can't stand it anymore and call the thing off ourselves?

You see, either way is fine with us. We just want to know.

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