Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Notary not such a deadbeat

I told you yesterday about the Notaio appointment the seller was supposed to make and that his inability to get that appointment was sounding an awful lot like indifference to me. As a result of that I had started getting some estimates on how much this little transaction is going to cost us.

Well. I found 10 notaios to contact. I called all of them. Mostly friendly people, only one would not give an estimate by email (must make an appointment. No thank you). and only ONE had NO ONE answering the phone (not even an answering machine) on Friday afternoon (which is when I started asking for estimates). As it turns out, THIS just HAPPENS to be the chosen notaio of our Seller. Yesterday Seller tells us that this office just hasn't called him back (not surprising).

Also, incidentally, this is the same notaio that we used when we (didn't get any estimates because we didn't know you could) bought our apartment. I was shocked because he asked for an INSANE amount of money (and I've done LOTS of comparing since that time) and asked us for AN ENVELOPE WITH CASH (as in money he would not declare).

So this is not only the Corrupt notaio, but the guy who doesn't answer the damn phone. It's HIS fault we can't get this apartment bought. How annoying.

Just to give him a fair shake, though, I am going to call and try to get an estimate today. See if he answers. Hold on, here...


Not only did someone answer, but they also gave me a lightning fast estimate by email. The price was on par with the others (no mention of cash envelopes, of course!)

So now we know that someone works there. It remains to be seen if we will get that appointment. If, and when, we do, at least I know the price will be decent (barring any surprises).

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