Monday, July 22, 2013

It's time to walk the walk

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who is taking a course to get certified in Coaching, as in the life kind, and that got me to thinking about how many things I have the intention of doing but then I get sidetracked by fear or self doubt or that self-destructive part of us that here is defined as  the blerch.

Well, I decided to make a list of the things I wanted to do and invented some deadlines. I need to hold myself accountable. Here are some of the things put on my list.

1. Work more (for money. I'm really good at working for free already).
2. Ride my bike (check. I rode to work today. Yippee for me!).
3. Start Marathon training even though I have no Marathon to train for (today is "rest day" so I guess you can say I've gotten off to a great start!).
4. Open a business in the States by October (shut up, Blerch! Shut up shut up shut up!).
5. Take charge of my non profit's Accounting (starting today, our fiscal year ends August 30. That's my deadline for having all up-to-date).
6. Keep my shit in order (this is vague. Let's start with clean the garbage out of my backpack. done).
7. Make a long term financial plan (This includes a 3-year, 5-year and 10-year plan that includes buying a home on the shores of the Adriatic in cash, shut up Blerch, and moving to Slovenia).

There are other things too, but they're more difficult things like TRY TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE ALL THE TIME, and DON'T DRINK SO MUCH and TRY TO GET UP EARLIER.

I will let you know how it goes. For now I have the strangest sensation of being nearly in control of my life.


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