Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas budget

When you live frugally you don't really need one.

Is there some reason we all get so carried away at Christmas? In my own family I was stunned to see what expensive and technologically-advanced presents the kids got. One of the cell phones I saw has a price tag here of over 500 euros for the cheap version! A 5-year old got a computer...

Karoline's answer to that: No words. Jaw on floor.

At the grocery store there was a woman complaining that she spent over 300 euros just for the party she was having at her house. 

Karoline's answer to that: Ever heard of a pot luck? That's where everyone brings a dish to pass. BTW I also had a Christmas party at my house so I feel like I can give my two cents on this one. I think people forget that the P in Party is for People! (If it was about food we would call them Farties, and who would come to one of those?!!)

Here's what I got for Christmas.

A pair of boiled wool slippers. That's what I wanted. That's what I asked for, and that is what Santa brought me. The hearts on them were a special surprise. Sure, I got some other things too, little fun things (a long zipper that turns into a purse, a yogurt maker for the family, a thermos). And a big candy bar in my stocking.

Know what? It was a great Christmas.

What I REALLY wanted was a few days off. And I took them. I plan to take next week off too. I needed a break.

We decided to go away for a few days since Sweetie has some days off too. First we looked at warm places but decided against them because we only want to go away for 3 or 4 days. Then we looked at cold places, which were pretty cheap. We found hotel packages in the mountains for about 250 euros for a long weekend for two adults.

Today we decided we would instead go to Bologna and visit Sweetie's aunt who hasn't seen our little Sweetie yet. There is a nice spa nearby. That means our expenses will be something like 36 euros for a day at the spa (18 euros each, baby gratis) and gas for the car and whatever we eat out. This way we save money and, more importantly, spend time with an aunt we really care about but never see.

When you put the emphasis on the good stuff-- people and relationships, you can't help but save money and feel happier in the process. That being said, a 500 euro cell phone might actually bring happiness as well, but I have never tried it.

PS Have you watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special lately? It's just as a propos this year as it was in 1965 when it came out. C.B. whines about how commercial Christmas has become and that people have forgotten what it's really about. Lucy wanting a modern pink aluminum tree, well that dates it, but only a little. 

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