Friday, December 2, 2011

We got in the PAPER today!

and Santa came to our library! Two great things. 18 months ago the articles about us were Not positive. THIS time there was a big picture of the turkey from our Thanksgiving dinner* (18 months ago that could have been my Head with the way things were going) and a Big Announcement about Santa coming to our library for a visit.

Man, that sure made my day. Plus I was quoted and I HAD actually SAID what was written. That was unexpected. My name was spelled wrong and a couple of other details were mixed up, But no biggy.

Our Christmas party was a huge success, by the way. Santa was the the Bello of the Ball of course and now our big events are done for this year (Halloween, Thanksgiving and our Cookie festival today are pretty close together as far as planning goes). We had an all-volunteer clean-up task force so the woman who does our cleaning (and has for the last 15 years or more and so was used to the place not having much action) won't cry.

All is good.

Plus, a couple of weeks ago I checked our bank account and I almost had a heart attack of joy! There was a LOT of money in there (compared to the usual negative 10,000 that it averaged when I first started looking at it). The only credit I can take for this is that I know how to convince people I like and who are smart to volunteer and thank god one of them knows how to deal with money stuff!

So basically it's OPPOSITE YEAR. Yeah!

*They were quite happy about the turkey picture. At the dinner, a lot of their guests had their picture taken with it because you don't see a lot of whole turkeys getting baked here.

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