Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's the little things

This morning, Sweetie, Sugar, Luna and I went for a walk downtown. Our mission was to find a pair of warm jammies for Sugar to wear this winter. See, now that she's wearing 18-month old clothes (yeah, she's 11 months), all those gifts and hand-me-downs no longer work.

First we went to a baby store that is supposed to have things like this. We were greeted by a very snotty woman who told us with a roll of the eyes as if our question was just SUCH A WASTE OF TIME and a HUGE INTERRUPTION from her folding that we would have to go upstairs. Okay. We have baby, dog and stroller. Where is the elevator (this is a baby store, after all, and they sell strollers upstairs). There isn't one. Mmmm. Okay. So we leave the stroller downstairs and go up to see the pajamas.

We were greeted by a young woman who showed us where the pajamas were and when we said we wanted to look at 18 months she took out the 9-12 month size like TWICE and then, when I told her I was looking for something a little warmer than the cotton one she was holding up, she was like "Um. Can I just tell you, you can't GET any warmer than CHENILLE*" and I was like "Um. That's COTTON, the (way too small one) next to it is chenille. Got THAT one any bigger?" "No."

Is it possible to work in a baby store and not know the difference between regular cotton and fuzzy chenille? Whatever.

We come down just in time to see the SNOTTY lady SCREAM at one of her colleagues for being an idiot (and surprise, it wasn't our genius from upstairs). Not pretty.

So then we go to H&M, which is like the IKEA for clothes. And there were like ANGELS singing in there the second we walked in and they had EVERYTHING you could ever want and super cheap. So we got the jammies, a couple of shirts, and some non-slip socks for like HALF the price of the Chenille Cotton jammies at the other place.

Then we decided to really splurge and go out to lunch and then we went to another place for coffee. I tried to remember the last time we went out for a coffee. I was talking to my friend Fabia about that yesterday. I was telling her that I make like NO money but that I feel a lot richer than I did when I made more money, and she was like "yeah, it's the little things, isn't it? It's going out for coffee every day, buying the Piccolo to see what's going on. It's those things that really get you. You've got to watch the little expenses."

*Note to self: in English we call this material VELOUR but I couldn't think of that word when I was writing this. Poor folks' velvet? I don't know, but it's warm.

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